Thank God It’s a New Year

January 12, 2015

I am so very thankful for 2014, but I look forward to 2015!  For 22 years we at the KING AEROSPACE Companies have been getting prepared for 2015 in so many ways.  Over the past 22 years we have had our share of ups and downs with our relentless focus on always striving to do the right thing for the right reason.

I am sure that we have missed the mark countless times, though unintentionally, and we are always using our past to help us create a better future.

In both our business and personal lives we need to look forward to the future.  Hope by itself is not a strategy.  For me, hope and faith means believing in something that is sometimes hard or even impossible to see, but continuing to push forward to reach those goals.  As an old pilot, flying instruments is about trusting in your aircraft, avionics equipment, training and skills and having faith in all of these elements to get you where you need to go.  Hope, combined with faith, risk assessment, a well thought-out plan and then doing the relentless legwork and course-correcting is a plan!  Not losing your values, principles and commitment to your mission is equally important.  For me, that’s a mission of service to God, Country and the Families of those we encounter on our journey.

When we fail to do what is necessary, we can lose hope regardless of age.  There are young people who have quit trying early in life, and there are old people, like me at age 62, that are passionate and relentless as we look toward a greater future and truly believe that our best days are ahead of us.

I believe that our best years are ahead of us as long as we continue to move forward “Funded on Faith” and do the necessary legwork.  It is my sincere desire that you are focused on making 2015 the best year of your life thus far!  Always remember, in aviation or in life in general, that your attitude determines your altitude, with God’s favor!  Fly safe and be the positive difference in the lives of those you love, serve and encounter! The difference begins with me and you!
