March 1, 2022

I was recently shocked to hear a friend say that it is good to have a lot of worries in life. My initial thought was “Are you kidding me?” My friend went on to say that having a lot of worries is good because if you only have one worry, that one worry is bound to be a major problem. It took a while for this philosophical stuff to sink into my thick head but then it hit me, and I knew he was right.

Several years ago, I was standing outside of a hospital suite about to become a first-time father and it hit me that my wife was possibly at risk along with my soon to be new baby! All I had on my mind was one single thing: may they both be fine.

I can clearly recall being at the MD Anderson Cancer Center about ten years ago and being told that my kidney cancer needed to be immediately addressed. This was a major problem. It was on a Friday when I got this news and I had surgery the following Monday. Thankfully all went well, and my cancer was caught early.

As we look back over our lives, I’m sure there are lots of moments when we were focused on one single situation and said to ourselves “if only . . . (whatever the problem was) . . .then all will be fine.”

The next time you feel a little overwhelmed with lots of worries, know that things could be worse!

“If only I was healthy . . .” “If only my child would . . .” “If only I had more money . . .” The list of “if only” worries is endless. When you find yourself in one of these “if only” pity party moments, stop and list all the good things in your life that offset the “if only” worries. We all are blessed with countless good things that we often fail to recall during the tough times.

Here are some blessings that sometimes I take for granted that I need to remind myself of if I have one of these “pity parties.” I am thankful for my siblings, parents, and paternal family members (even the bad ones). I am thankful for all of my good memories. I am thankful for my wife and children, my friends, my faith, and my hope for the future. I am thankful that I no longer worry about having a reliable vehicle, hot water, warm meals, clean clothes, food, gas for my car and the ability to feed my family. My list of blessings is countless. It is so very important to me that I never forget where I came from and my previous worries that helped me become who I am, with God’s favor.

I wish you lots and lots of worries! Know I am always prepared to talk if you call!

Written by KING AEROSPACE Founder, Jerry Allan King-Echevarria.
